Energetic Cellular Healing
The Nature of Nature

The nature of the world as we know it is energetic. When you have a plant, for example, the energetic template is already there and on this template the new leaf or flower is growing physically. Every living being or inanimate thing is formed on or from an energetic template. This template stays with the "body" until the body dies.
The energy field is like a soil in which we grow.
It has all the nutrients, so to say, for body, mind and spirit to be healthy. But these energy fields can easily be distorted by different things, such as emotional stress, worries, fear, pollution, bad sleep, longlasting malnutrition etc. When the distortion of the energyfield lasts over a period of time, the body doesn´t recieve enough energy, or the right kind of energy, to stay healthy. Our Body and ist energyfield are interrelated, they influence each other immediately.
Modern science is able to show that emotions have a direct influence on the cells, even on the DNA. Negative emotions like hatred, selfdoubt, sadness make the DNA Spiral shrink and tighten whereas under the influence of positive emotions like love and joy and gratitude it opens and relaxes.
It´s a delicately intertwined connection: if your energyfield is disturbed it will influence your emotions and thoughts negatively and if your emotions and thoughts are negative you deplete your energy field and your body . If you have a strong energy field with "open" and "clockwise spinning" Chakras you will feel alive with a strong sense of balance and vitality. You`re not only, so to say, protected against disturbing influences that might threaten a weak field, there is also a kind of repulsion to negative influences, because like attracts like. As above so below...
The energy field is like a soil in which we grow.
It has all the nutrients, so to say, for body, mind and spirit to be healthy. But these energy fields can easily be distorted by different things, such as emotional stress, worries, fear, pollution, bad sleep, longlasting malnutrition etc. When the distortion of the energyfield lasts over a period of time, the body doesn´t recieve enough energy, or the right kind of energy, to stay healthy. Our Body and ist energyfield are interrelated, they influence each other immediately.
Modern science is able to show that emotions have a direct influence on the cells, even on the DNA. Negative emotions like hatred, selfdoubt, sadness make the DNA Spiral shrink and tighten whereas under the influence of positive emotions like love and joy and gratitude it opens and relaxes.
It´s a delicately intertwined connection: if your energyfield is disturbed it will influence your emotions and thoughts negatively and if your emotions and thoughts are negative you deplete your energy field and your body . If you have a strong energy field with "open" and "clockwise spinning" Chakras you will feel alive with a strong sense of balance and vitality. You`re not only, so to say, protected against disturbing influences that might threaten a weak field, there is also a kind of repulsion to negative influences, because like attracts like. As above so below...
THe Healing and the healing Process
As all health and emotional issues are based on energetic distortions the healing is induced by clearing the energyfield of "debris" (like clouds or mucous), strengthening and balancing it. This enhances the energyflow between the different levels of the Aura. The healer channels the frequencies that are lacking in potency.
There might or might not be an instant measurable reaction to the healing. The distortion of the energyfield often needs some time to develop down into the body as a symptom and so it may take time to reverse this process. On the other hand there is no rule to how long change takes, even in the physical body. But our belief systems and scientific dogmas often hínder us from experiencing sudden change.
There might or might not be an instant measurable reaction to the healing. The distortion of the energyfield often needs some time to develop down into the body as a symptom and so it may take time to reverse this process. On the other hand there is no rule to how long change takes, even in the physical body. But our belief systems and scientific dogmas often hínder us from experiencing sudden change.